Home / How To Buy Your Happiness
Destiny has brought you here. The cute happy pig on the front cover made you curious about this book and now you are trying to decide if this Mp3 is right for me? So… here goes my sales pitch…In this book, I outline the knowledge and habits required for acquiring financial freedom, as it is essential for happiness. These habits will eventually leave you with the control, time, and freedom to live life on your terms. Many people claim that you can’t buy happiness, but I disagree. Money is a tool that can be used to achieve happiness, and any tool used in the wrong way will be useless and sometimes dangerous. So now you may be speculating whether this is a book about shares, real estate, or cryptocurrency. This book is about all of that, and I also discuss bonds and precious metals as well. Yes, I know it's hard to believe that all of the things which make great conversations at parties are jammed in these pages. I will go into detail about the pros and cons of each investment choice so you can pick a mixture that is right for you. There is no one size fits all approach to investment, as the correct asset allocation depends on your goals, your age, your income, your skills, and your psychology. But that is not all. This is a two-in-one book, as this is also a cheat sheet that provides money-saving tips. So that is my sales pitch, and I hope you give me a shot.