Home / 10 Rules for Maintaining a Healthy Relationship: 10 Simple Rules to Help in Strengthening and Maintaining a Healthy Relationship (Unabridged)
Has there ever been a time where you thought maybe your relationship isn’t strong enough? You look around at friends and family and think that maybe you are missing something. Everyone else seems to make it work a bit better than you and your partner, and you can’t quite figure out why.
Maybe some of these people do have it all figure out, but most likely they are just like you. You love your partner and want to be with them. You are happy, but just need some changes to ensure that the strength of the relationship can stay healthy and create long-term results.
Relations are tough. It's often said, but never really heard. They are difficult and can sometimes be painful. Creating rules for you and your partner can encourage an honest and committed relationship that leaves you both feeling happy and satisfied for as long as you want.