Home / The History of Hip Hop: Volume Five (Unabridged)
The only hip hop book series that explains the culture fully in the fewest words!
*** Author of "Rapper's Delight" essay currently archived at the Library of Congress ***
*** Guest speaker of BBC2 Radio "Rapper's Delight 40th Anniversary" by DJ Trevor Nelson, September 2019 ***
Hip hop truth for the art and pulse of America!
Hip hop from 2011-2020, so what happened now that it's been a decade in?
Only one hip hop history book tells you how hip hop and trap combined to take over for years to come!
What you'll uncover in my latest rap music history series which you won't find elsewhere:
The Old School is still alive
Leaders of the New and Old School cashing in and out
Fashion trends in 2011-2020
New legends of hip hop
Trap music is here to stay and why
Greatest moments, albums, songs, and mixtapes of this era
Politics and hip hop (Obama and Trump eras)
The mixtape era has officially taken over
And much more...
As this music legacy continues to expand its sway, know for sure it's here to stay.
History of Hip Hop: Volume Five gives you a direct, straight to the point history of the indisputable legendary force of rap and trap artists here to stay. Hip hop lives on!
Get this series now! It's for all ages and walks of life.