Home / The History of Hip Hop: Volume Four (Unabridged)
The only hip hop book series that explains the culture fully in the fewest words!
Author of "Rapper's Delight" essay currently archived at the Library of Congress.
Guest speaker of BBC2 Radio "Rapper's Delight 40th Anniversary" by DJ Trevor Nelson - September 2019.
Whether you are a fan of hip hop or you are just curious about it, you will not have to look further after finding Eric Reese's The History of Hip Hop. This concise but in-depth audiobook explores all the distinguishing traits of what is not only a genre of music but a lifestyle. Reese traces the history of hip hop from its beginnings in the 1970s and reveals how it changed in the next decades until it became a worldwide phenomenon. The author gives attention to the influence of hip hop at every level, including art and fashion. He also makes valuable considerations about its originality in comparison with other genres.
Hip hop truth for the art and pulse of America!
Hip hop from 2001-2010 - What a beginning to Y2K? Only one hip hop history audiobook tells you how hip hop and trap took over for ages to come!
This rap history audiobook puts you directly in the minds of the young American hip hop family tree of MCs and dancers of the good ole days of the first decade of the millennium where hip hop and trap first meshed resulting in a brand new wave of artists, collaborating together to produce incredible classics that we still cherish to this day.
What you'll uncover in this hip hop audiobook series which you won't find elsewhere:
Rap legends on the East and West coasts and the dirty south
Hip hop dance and the leading artists behind the trend
The decade of Jay-Z, Nas, and Kanye West
The Rise of Trap
Old school vs new school rappers and now trapper
Greatest moments and highlights from 2001-2010
Facts surrounding some of the beefs and diss tracks between artists
Era of the mixtape
And much more...
As this music legacy continues to expand its sway, know for sure it's here to stay.
History of Hip Hop: Volume Four gives you a direct-straight to the point history of the indisputable legendary force of rap artists and their deejays. Hip Hop lives on!
Get it now!