Home / Furniture Store Selling Made Easy
Furniture Store Selling Made Easy shows sales associates working in furniture stores how to make more sales, every day. It's easy.
Learn the selling system that retail expert and motivational entrepreneur Ron
Martin has taught to sales associates and other salespeople throughout the
country. They report sales increases by as much as 10 and 20 times!
Ron Martin unlocks the mystery to selling furniture by giving you his Pro-Active,
No-Pressure Selling System. You'll learn the right way to greet customers, where to stand, what to say, and how to say it. You'll discover the common mistakes many sales associates make, and how to avoid them. For instance, many sales
associates timidly retreat and lose sales when the customer looks at several pieces of furniture and then announces, "I want to think about it," or "I'll be back."
This book guides you through carefully rehearsed responses that prepare you to give your customers information, overcome their objections, nudge when
appropriate, and sell add-on pieces while still in the showroom.
By studying customers' habits and the traits of superstar salespeople, Ron Martin has honed selling into a science. He has compiled his lifetime of experiences and offers you a treasure of successful selling techniques.
As owner of Success Dynamics, Inc. repeatedly one of Hawaii's 50 fastest growing corporations as named by Pacific Business News, Ron Martin coaches business
executives and salespeople how to achieve greater success and increased sales with his Pro-Active, No-Pressure Selling System.