Home / Presumptive Regeneration, or, the Baptismal Regeneration of Elect Infants
Cornelius Burgess (1589-1665) was a zealous puritan, member of the Westminster Assembly, and esteemed as a very learned divine. This work by Burgess was written to explain the administration of the covenant sign on infants of believers. His thesis is, "...that all elect infants that are baptized ordinarily receive the Spirit from Christ in baptism, for their first solemn initiation into Christ; and for their future actual renovation, in God’s good time, if they live to years of discretion, and enjoy the other ordinary means of grace appointed of God to this end." It also serves to separate the Reformed Doctrine from the deviant positions of the Anabaptists, Arminians and Roman Catholic Church. He shows that the benefits of the covenant are only efficaciously conferred by the Spirit to the elect, which include infants. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.