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The latest Lexicon, updated in 2014, contains 60+ graphics and 207 terms from A3 Report to Yokoten. The Lexicon covers such key lean terms as andon, jidoka, kaizen, lean consumption, lean logistics, pull, plan-for- every-part, standardized work, takt time, value-stream mapping, and many more.
The new terms are:
Basic Stability
Gemba Walk
Kamishibai Board
Leader Standard Work
Lean Management
Lean Management Accounting
Lean Startup
Problem Solving
Service Level Agreement
Training Within Industry (TWI)
Value-stream Improvement
Unlike most other business glossaries in print or online, the Lexicon, introduced in January 2003, is focused exclusively on lean thinking and practice.
Like the past four, the fifth edition of the Lean Lexicon incorporates terms and improvement ideas from our customers. We continue to welcome suggestions from the growing lean community in its traditional industries and beyond. Pleases send your comments and improvement ideas to info@lean.org.