Home / Aurelian

Aurelian By Aaron Dembski-Bowden


By Aaron Dembski-Bowden

  • Release Date: 2013-12-06
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • $13.99
Score: 4
From 56 Ratings


After the destruction of Monarchia and the Emperor’s reprimanding of the Word Bearers Legion, the primarch Lorgar spent many long years searching the stars for the universal truths of the cosmos – when he finally came to gaze deep into the Eye of Terror, with grim inevitability he found that the Eye stared back. Now, guided by the daemon Ingethel, he undertakes a spiritual journey into the heart of Chaos itself and sees that the entire destiny of mankind and the Imperium could rest upon just a few nexus events. As the Great Crusade burns itself out in treachery and deceit, Lorgar weighs the cost of his ambitions, and sets his course for eternal damnation.


  • GW tries to mug you.

    By p-51 Mustang
    Crap price. Not worth it.
  • These people don't understand how this works

    By Alhazred01
    These people complaining about the price don't seem to understand, these novellas are what amount to exclusive early releases for the extreme fan. Kind of like when you pay double to see a movie on PPV or iTunes before its in the theater. These novellas will all be included in anthologies like every other one in the past in about a year. If you don't consider yourself a hardcore hh fan, this isn't for you, wait and buy the anthology when it's out and stop complaining about it.
  • Overpriced as usual

    By Johnny living room
    Gw doesn't care about the fans anymore. I will not pay 14 bucks for 100 pages of book. And the prices for their other books are more than the print copies! You've let us down gw and bl. For shame
  • Creative and encompassing of many Chaos aspects

    By PremierOptimist
    Pricey but entertaining
  • Aurelian

    By Admanregulates
    So, I was really interested in this book, and I am not just an avid reader of the Horus heresy series, but a long time hobbyist. More and more I feel that GW and it's subsidiaries punish it's most loyal and dedicated fans with their price structuring. $13.00 for a quarter of a book? But I guess when people, myself among them, shell out £55.00 for Primarch models ,then they feel justified in charging these prices for scraps from their authors tables. Just really disappointed that the hobby that was so loved by me and many of my friends has just become inaccessible in just about every way for so many now. Aurelian is just another example of this. Didn't buy it and won't. And I own probably 90% of the HH written content.
  • Another money grab indeed!

    By katsura1982
    I love Black library books...I really do. But I totally agree with the previous 2 comments. I won't buy a 115 page book (with 2-4 pages being "transmissions" or quotes from a bystander, and the last 7-8 pages I'm sure are ads and the author's bio) for $14... Come on! $14?!? The biggest slap in the face will be when they release the Aurelian in a collections book for a fraction of the price. Won't buy, don't buy.
  • Aurelian

    By AjaxtheDog
    I agree with the othe rreview, I did not read Promethium sun. But this was way too much for half a book. It was a good story, but quick read and not worth 14 bucks. Fool me once……..
  • Another money grab

    By Badmonkeycw
    Even without buying it I'm already disinclined to get this story. I love the heresy series greatly, but stories like this and 'promethean son' are shamelessly overpriced. 115 pages of content for 14$??? For shame gw and black library. You fooled me once with promethean son. You will not do so with Aurelian.