Home / Micro and Nanomanufacturing
Nanofabrication and nanotechnology present a great challenge to engineers and researchers as they manipulate atoms and molecules to produce single artifacts and submicron components/systems.
Micro and Nanomanufacturing provides a comprehensive treatment of established micro & nano fabrication techniques and addresses the needs of practicing manufacturing engineers by applying established and research laboratory manufacturing techniques to a wide variety of materials.
Engineers seeking more knowledge of how nano and micro devices are designed and fabricated will learn:
Manufacturing and fabrication at the micro and nanoscales
Using bulk and surface micromachining techniques, LiGA and deep x-ray lithography to manufacture semiconductors
Producing master molds with micromachining
The deposition of thin films, pulsed water drop machining, and nanomachining
Mark J. Jackson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Purdue University. His current research focuses on understanding the properties of materials in the field of micro scale metal cutting, micro and nano abrasive machining, and laser micro machining.