Home / USAF C-123 Veterans: VA Illegally Denies Agent Orange Claims
C-123 "Provider" warplanes sprayed Agent Orange in Vietnam but remained contaminated with deadly dioxin – which the AF knew yet failed to inform the aircrews who flew these aircraft between 1972-1982. The book describes efforts by other federal agencies (CDC & DOD) to support the veterans' claim for service connection and offers suggestions to counter the VA's automatic denial of virtually all Agent Orange-related claims. This proved to be a violation of the veterans' Fifth Amendment rights for Due Process. The July 2013 VA award to the first C-123 veteran has been described as a "breakthrough" and "brilliant strategy" by veterans law experts. In June 2015 VA conceded, making C-123 veterans eligible for Agent Orange benefits. An extensive list of hyperlinked documents, described as "outstanding" by one scientist reviewer, is included to help explore this complex topic. Dedicated to Master Sergeant George Gadbois and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Bailey. This book is veteran-produced.