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John Bible Study By Kevin G. Harney

John Bible Study

By Kevin G. Harney

  • Release Date: 2025-12-30
  • Genre: Bible Studies


In many ways, John's Gospel functions as both a Gospel and a letter. As a Gospel, it tells the story of Jesus and his role as revealer of God the Father and provider of redemption to all humanity. As a letter, it encouraged first-century Christians in the life they had chosen, revealed how life in Christ was different from Judaism, and corrected false teachings (like those of the Gnostics). But fundamentally, John's Gospel narrates the life of Jesus and reveals that he was truly the Son of God.

Jesus had lived in the flesh among the people. John, being one of Jesus' closest disciples, had witnessed Jesus teaching those who followed him, seen the miracles that he had performed, and was there when he was crucified and then raised from the dead. Yet in spite of all the miraculous signs, pointed teachings, and resurrection, there were still questions about Jesus' divinity. So John sought, through his own personal testimony, to reveal why Jesus was fully divine while also being fully human. John made it clear that Jesus would be filled with power from the Holy Spirit and that when Christ left the earth, he made that same power available to all his followers—both in the first century and for followers today.

Each study in the Applying the Bible to Life series employs a three-step process to help you understand both the historical meaning of a biblical text and its relevance in modern times. The original meaning section reveals the questions and concerns the author was addressing. The past to present section then explains what significance the original audience would have found in the passage and what significance you can find in it today. Finally, the questions that accompany each section will help you specifically apply the author's words and teachings and find meaning in them for what you are facing in your life.

The Word Becomes Flesh (John 1:1–18)A Rabbi Meets the Teacher (John 3:1–21)A Thirsty Woman Finds Water (John 4:1–42)The Hungry Struggle with the Bread of Life (John 6:1–71)The Crowd Debates the Source of Living Water (John 7:1–52)The Blind Confront the Light of the World (John 8:12–9:41)A Family Experiences Resurrection (John 11:1–57)The Master Serves (John 13:1–38)The Son Promises the Spirit (John 14:1–31)The Vine Prepares the Branches for Fruitfulness (John 15:1–16:4)The Light Plunges into Darkness (John 18:1–19:42)The Lord of Life Returns (John 20:1–29)