Home / How and Why Christianity Forsook the Sabbath and the High Holy Days of Leviticus 23 Book One of Two
This book is the first of a two-book series covering the deep history behind the change from the Sabbath day to Sunday in Christianity. The first book covers the issue from a "Sola Scriptura" view, showing that a change indeed took place and explaining why from the lens of the Scripture itself, as much as possible, not withstanding some background information explaining the context of Mark 7 and Matthew 15, and also a reading from the Didache, and quotations from Tertullian's Adversus Marcionem, remains maximally faithful to the "Sola Scriptura-Tota Scriptura" view and method.
The second book which will be released later will focus on quotations of historians and post apostolic church fathers that corroborates the previous reading of history from book one and validates it, and will clarify the background forces that made it easy for Christianity to make this change.