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Darkside – From Mercury to Ganymede, life wants to survive. In whatever form it takes, in whatever form it is made in, human, alien, demi-god, android, life wants to survive. Five stories of some of the life-forms in Leigh Brackett’s universe. From a flame-auraed child of Sol playing his cosmic game, to a Dream come to life in a factory, all life wants to survive and thrive. Child of the Sun (1942) Far beyond molten Mercury flashed the Patrol-pursued Falcon. . . . Out to where black Vulcan whirled his hidden orbit, and a flame-auraed last child of Sol played his cosmic game. Terror Out Of Space (1941) An eerie tale of a silver land beneath ebony Venusian seas, of Lundy whose duty was to capture the menace which had come from nowhere — and of “It” whose shadowed eyes held the secret for which men fought and died. A five chapter novelette. The Demons of Darkside (1941) The Denizens of Mercury Ruled a Domain of Eternal Night— Until Barry Garth Invaded that Empire with Light! Thralls of the Endless Night (1943) The Ship held an ancient secret that meant life to the dying castaways of the void. Then Wes Kirk revealed the secret to his people’s enemies—and found that his betrayal meant the death of the girl he loved. The Dancing Girl of Ganymede (1950) She was a Dream Come to Life — but She Was Not Human! Chapter I – The Wanderer Chapter II – The Brothers Chapter III – A Broken Edge Chapter IV – As Leopards . . . Chapter V – The Same Beauty Chapter VI – Lords of the World Leigh Douglass Brackett (1915 – 1978) was an immensely talented writer of science fiction, and is known as the “Queen of Space Opera.” She was also a very talented screenwriter and worked on such films as The Big Sleep (1945), Rio Bravo (1959), The Long Goodbye (1973) and The Empire Strikes Back (1980).