The wise men of Caer Dhu were not so wise. They found the secret of Shanga, and they escaped their wars and their troubles by fleeing backward along the path of evolution.
Philip K. Dick, H. B. Fyfe, Henry Kuttner, James Mckimmey, Jr., Poul Anderson, Warren Lapine, Robert Moore Williams, Vaseleos Garson, Chas. A. Stopher, Jan Smith, Florence Verbell Brown, Charles Dye, Stanley Mullen, Henry Hasse, Leigh Brackett, Noel Loomis, Raymond Z. Gallun, Charles Saphro, Fox B. Holden, John Murray Reynolds, James H. Schmitz & Charles A. Stearns
Marion Zimmer Bradley, Leigh Brackett, Fredric Brown, Henry Harrison, Andre Norton, Edwin L. Arnold, Rog Phillips, Garrett P. Serviss, Arthur G. Hill, Simeon Strunsky, Charles E. Fritch, G. L. Vandenburg, R.Norman Grisewood, R. F. Starzl, Tom Leahy, A. R. Hilliard, Allen Glasser, Frank Belknap Long & Lucius Daniel
Frank Belknap Long, Henry Kuttner, Otis Adelbert Kline, Leigh Brackett, Henry Hasse, Robert Abernathy, Raymond Z. Gallun, Ray Cummings, R.R. Winterbotham & Basil Wells
Edgar Rice Burroughs, H.G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Andre Norton, Henry Harrison, Leigh Brackett, Fredric Brown, George du Maurier, Poul Anderson, Carey Rockwell, Garrett P. Serviss & Murray Leinster