Home / Management for Sustainable Development
The concept of sustainable development was described in the United Nations’ 1987 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This new volume presents an eclectic selection of chapters that aim to integrate social, economic, and environmental objectives. Through studies and research, the book presents the concept of sustainable development in various manifestations along with its challenges and advantages, looking at sustainability in business, manufacturing, finance, etc. It explores how new financial technology (or Fintech) can help foster sustainable finance and the role of digitization and AI in achieving sustainability goals. It considers the importance of cultural sustainability and presents sustainability-promoting strategies affecting the environment, such as addressing the mitigation of marine plastic pollution and reusing plastic waste to make eco-bricks. Other topics include development of sustainable smart cities, a case study of sustainability at the local level, such as marigold cultivation for socio-economic sustainability, and more.