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Representation By Stuart Hall


By Stuart Hall

  • Release Date: 2024-11-01
  • Genre: Reference
  • $52.99


Since 1997 Representation has been the go-to textbook for students learning the tools to question and critically analyze media texts and images. This long-awaited third edition has been updated throughout to engage with the impact of digital technology and culture, and the changes in political culture, social movements and the cultural industries. The new edition includes: A new preface by Sean Nixon, focusing on digital media, and theories of representation. A new Afterword by Kobena Mercer to Stuart Hall s classic chapter on The Spectacle of the Other Revised chapters with additional content on digital media, de-westernising culture, imperialism and BLM, and new readings tying contemporary issues of race, gender and power A new chapter by Nancy Thumim exploring digital forms of self-representation and representation in/of Politics, looking at media spectacle, political imagery, the Me Too movement and Black Lives Matter.The Third Edition provides an indispensable resource for students and teachers in cultural and media studies.