Home / Charlotte Brontë
The works of Charlotte Brontë are regarded as evidences of exceptional intellectual power.
Charlotte Brontë wrote three great books: "Jane Eyre," "Shirley" and "Villette." From the lonely, bleak parsonage on that stony hillside she sent forth her swaying filament of thought and lassoed the world. She lived to know that she had won. Money came to her, all she needed, honors, friends and lavish praise. She was the foremost woman author of her day. Her name was on every tongue. She had met the world in fair fight; without patrons, paid advocates, or influential friends she made her way to the very front. Her genius was acknowledged. She accomplished all that she set out to do and more, far more. The great, the learned, the titled, the proud — all those who reverence the tender heart and far-reaching mind — acknowledged her as queen.
This book presents the life and the history of Charlotte Brontë.