Home / Thomas Edison
The public is familiar with the record of Thomas Edison, who is considered the greatest inventor the world has ever known. How did he succeed?
“On February 11th, 1845, was born at Milan, Ohio, Thomas A. Edison, now a little over 42 years of age, and today enjoying a reputation as an inventor that is without a parallel in history.
At eight or nine years of age he began to earn his own living, selling papers. When twelve years old his enterprise, pushed by ambition, secured him a position as newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railroad. Here his inventive genius manifested itself. Arranging with station agents along the line, he caused the headings of news to be telegraphed ahead, the agents posting the same in some conspicuous place. By this means the profits of his business were greatly augmented. He next fitted up a small printing press in one corner of a car, and when not busy in his regular work as newsboy, successfully published a small paper.”