Home / Be Your Own Real Psychology Expert: a Practical Guide to Mastering Your Own Happiness at All Times
A guide for giving sensations and emotions purposes and meanings. It is a reference book intended to be consulted whenever you have have various emotional issues or want to figure out a powerful technique to take care of most personal needs you could imagine on your own. It includes an emotional index that aims to explain the most likely purpose of dozens of sensations such as excitement, passion and hatred. For example, anger as the emotion of change. There are plenty of unusually powerful such as Rapid Memory Fabrication technique for satisfying social comfort in seconds on your own and Mood Fusion that is about combining mood elements into one to make up a powerful mood that sticks around. Plenty of therapy content and self-care techniques for personal use. An entire chapter is dedicated to dealing with fatherless upbringing and how to replicate the vital parental experiences you might have missed out on. There are plenty of techniques to help you streamline and lighten your mind to be able to get more things done and be lucrative. It introduces you to powerful breathing technique such as throat breathing and chanting that help you recover you mind and body faster. A technique for activating your nerves with basic slaps to make your mind and body more fluid and reactive. Make your mind more durable with the power of whimsy. Understand why arrogance is the sentiment of Self-Valuing and why and how it mandates people to cut social ties with under-performing people. Learn to pronounce difficult sounds and why you should express yourself boldly. Combine liking and disliking with other feelings to strengthen them. Understand when to switch between social, asocial and anti-social behavior sets. Learn to turn emotional suffering into enjoyment with a simple attitude switch. 100 potent techniques included at the end of the book. No holds barred or powerful tricks left out. And much more.