Home / Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine
This book is the world's most influential internal medicine resource. It captures the entire plethora of developments,innovations and advancements in the field of internal medicine. This edition brings the up-to-date content related to clinicaltrials; disease pathogenesis, current diagnostic methods and imaging, newly approved and established treatment methodsand evidence-based guidelines of practice. The book covers the cardinal manifestation of diseases, approach to differentialdiagnosis, disease pathogenesis and their respective treatments. Besides, important topics related to men's health, fatigue,impact of global warming on infectious diseases along with therapeutics and management in a varied range of diseases likediabetes, hepatitis, Ebola virus diseases, Lipoprotein disorders, AIDS and HIV along many others are included. This editioncontains number of clinical-pathological images in proper colors, full colored illustrations and drawings to help the studentsand practitioners understand the concepts better. It offers a definitive, unbiased guidance on the evaluation andmanagement of every medical condition. A practical, straightforward style; template organization; evidence-basedreferences; and robust interactive content combine to make this dynamic resource quite simply the fastest and best place tofind all of the authoritative, state-of-the-art clinical answers.This edition reflects the latest clinical developments in medicine.This book will be admired by all persons related to this field.