Home / Agents of Destiny (Agents of Change #3)
In the pulse-pounding conclusion to Guy Harrison’s sci-fi action-thriller trilogy, Calvin Newsome and Elena Jimenez have uncovered the Agency of Influence’s secret weapon in its quest to regain—or in this case, ensure that it never loses—its control of the powerful relic, the Arrowhead of the Seminole.
Newsome and Jimenez travel back in time to the year 2000 to carry out two objectives meant to ensure a more peaceful civilization and turn the tables on the A of I: protect Calvin’s then-teenaged counterpart and kill Lasse Gantert, the agency’s nefarious executive director obsessed with finding and killing the boy. When Gantert proves to have more power than has been revealed, and in an era in which the Agencies of Influence and Justice are still imbued with the powers of the Arrowhead, Calvin and Elena find the deck stacked against them. Unbeknownst to them, Ronni Lee and Astrid Krueger, motivated by separate desires, wait in the shadows for their opportunity to assist the two heroes in their quest to end Gantert’s reign of terror.