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Matchmaking for Marriage By Dr Gautam DK

Matchmaking for Marriage

By Dr Gautam DK

  • Release Date: 2023-06-28
  • Genre: Spirituality
  • $7.99


It is considered that marriages are made in heaven and astrology is a tool to find the match which has higher chances of stability, love, peace, harmony, prosperity and an everlasting relationship between boy and girl. Then why married people suffer if astrology is correct? We can say it may be due to wrong birth data being provided, incompetence of the astrologer to check the chart and lastly destiny to reap the seeds of Karmas. Few are imponderable and beyond control, but what is under control is proper matchmaking, which we will try to cover in succeeding chapters.

The system of Guna Milan is the most popular system of matchmaking and compatibility in India. This system of Guna Milan has been in use since the Vedic ages and even today it is considered the best possible solution for matchmaking. Many astrologers and many people still believe that Guna Milan is a complete process of matchmaking and nothing else needs to be carried out for matchmaking. But it just indicates the compatibility and does not cover the nature, behaviour, longevity and luck of the partner. So, with the Guna Milan, the study of individual charts is a must. Matchmaking is based on the Moon sign and Moon Nakshatra of partners.

Components of Match-Making

There are different phenomena of match-making prevalent even in different parts of India as Ashtakoota (eight aspects), Duskoota (ten aspects) Milan systems. The most accepted and widely practiced method is Ashtkoota Milan. In Ashtakoota Milan, eight components are taken into account based on which the compatibility between a prospective couple is decided.

The matching of horoscopes of the prospective girl and boy is done to ascertain the similarity between their nature, mental disposition, tastes,  liking and disliking based on the planetary configuration found in the horoscopes of the two. If both the partners get maximum positive traits in common, they have love, affection and attraction towards each other and each other's family. If otherwise their conjugal life becomes unhappy and problematic and in the long run their companionship turns into a sorry state of affairs. Hindu system of astrology recommends that proper matching of horoscope should be done to ensure everlasting relationship, love and compatibility between husband and wife. Good matching means more scores in Ashtguna Milan that they have a good number of gunas in common. They will have a love for each other and respect each other.