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Promethean Sun By Nick Kyme

Promethean Sun

By Nick Kyme

  • Release Date: 2013-06-21
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • $7.99
Score: 3.5
From 59 Ratings


As the Great Crusade sweeps across the galaxy, the forces of the Imperium encounter a world held in thrall by the alien eldar. While the Iron Hands of Ferrus Manus and Mortarion’s Death Guard battle against the hated xenos, it is the Salamanders who brave the deepest and most deadly jungles, encountering monstrous reptilian beasts and foul witchery along the way. Ultimately, it falls to their primarch Vulkan himself to thwart the sinister designs of the eldar, if the Legions are to liberate this world and bring illumination to its inhabitants.


  • Don't buy...

    By Batory0022
    Love the world of warhammer 40k, but the pricing is getting ridiculous. A blatant gouging of fans until apple settles the lawsuit with the government on price fixing. No excuse for pricing that exceeds a comparable hard copy form. No longer recommending the Black Library to friends, and if the greed continues, I will discontinue my support of the Black Library.
  • Short

    By Lostprimarch420
    Wow, thirteen bucks for ninety pages. Using the Horus heresy tag to reap in the money when it has little to do with it. Good ol greedy Games Workshop. Been a customer for fifteen years of both games and books but this is the last of their products I buy. I won't support a company that operates in this blatant of a rip people off manner.
  • Ripoff- from a big 40k fan!

    By Gavriel Loken
    Before you buy, make sure you read that it's less than 200 pages long! For $14.00!!!! I love the 40k universe and played the game way back in 91 and love the novels- but this is getting to be outrageous. Like a fanboy fool I saw a new 40K book with 3 primarchs in it and immediately rushed to purchase, thinking I would get at least a few days of good reading in. How dismayed I was when I saw the "book" was less than 200 pages long...a bedtime story, really. GW will not fool me again!