Home / Carbon Nanotubes for Biomedical Applications and Healthcare
Recent advancements and research in nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials engineering the applications of nanomaterial are evolving. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and CNT-based systems possess unique chemical, physical, and biological properties that make them good candidates in biomedical applications, but they also have some inherent properties that cause great concern about their biosafety. This volume explores the practical applications of carbon nanotubes in biomedical science and human health. It discusses the synthesis, properties, modification, and recent progress of carbon nanotubes and their applications for biosensing, cancer treatment, antibacterial therapy, tissue engineering, targeted drug delivery, and toxicity. It relays the potential and promise of carbon-based nanomaterials for host of applications while also looking at the challenges in synthesis, characterization, and applications of nanomaterials and how to overcome them.