Home / Plant Metabolites and Vegetables as Nutraceuticals
This volume explores vegetables and plant metabolites as nutraceuticals that provide nutritional importance in the prevention and/or treatment of human diseases and for maintaining the body’s energy balance.
Key features:
Considers applications and implications of plant metabolites and vegetables as nutraceuticals in healthcare Discusses the mechanisms of plant metabolites and vegetables to support the prevention and treatment of cancer, gout, heart disease, liver disease, Parkinson’s and other brain diseases, and gastrointestinal disease Explores the role of phytochemicals bioactive compounds as nutraceuticals in healthcare Looks at the relationship between eating fruits and vegetables and the incidence of serious and chronic diseases
With contributions from renowned scientists and researchers around the globe, the volume provides up-to-date information that offers insights on the value of plant metabolites and vegetables as nutraceuticals that will be of interest to academicians, scientists, researchers, and industry professionals worldwide.