Home / Carbon Superstructures
This book covers how the understanding, as well as controllability, of the quantum electronic properties of carbon structures can be improved through a combined study of structural geometry, electronic properties, and dynamics of resonating valence bonds. It elaborates varied properties such as growth mechanism, exotic transport properties, namely unusual geometry of microstructures mixed with electron distribution and spin properties in carbon. Transport mechanisms and new applications including hybrid quantum technology based on the superconducting diamond and diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are discussed.
• Includes the theoretical and experimental aspects of carbon physics, various carbon nanostructures, and simulations.
• Covers growth of carbon superstructures and various applications of their tunable electronic properties.
• Discusses how nanocarbon systems can be used in emerging technologies, including spintronic and quantum computing.
• Focuses on spin-related features and spin transport including the Kondo effect, spin-charge separation, spin-phonon coupling, anomalous Hall effect, and Luttinger liquid features.
• Explores carbon superstructure growth and their tunable electronic properties.
This book is aimed at students, researchers in physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science, electronics, and quantum technology.