Home / Space System Architecture Analysis and Wargaming
Space System Architecture Analysis and Wargaming presents a single-source reference for two major topics that are not currently covered in literature related to subdisciplines of astronautics. It provides modeling and simulation tools to architect space systems and analysis, which include detailed discussions of various simulation tools: STK, SEAS, SOAP, AFSIM, EADSIM, and STORM.
Working through the types of analysis that can be performed with each toolkit, the book focuses on designing and evaluating alternative space systems and system of systems to meet mission requirements. It also addresses the field of space wargaming with two tools: Space Warfare Analysis Tool/Space Attack Warning and Space and Information Analysis Model.
The book is intended for professionals working in the fields of aerospace engineering, astronautical engineering, space systems engineering, and space wargaming. It will also interest graduate students who are studying spacecraft systems and space architecture.