Home / Healthcare Analytics and Advanced Computational Intelligence
This book aims to apply state-of-the-art advanced computational intelligence frameworks in healthcare. It presents recent and real-life applications of computationally intelligent healthcare. It also discusses problems and solutions to remote healthcare and emergency healthcare services. Healthcare Analytics and Advanced Computational Intelligence highlights modern ambient intelligence-enabled healthcare models along with advanced topics like quantum computing in healthcare and cryptomedical systems.
Healthcare Analytics and Advanced Computational Intelligence examines designing the latest medical systems and models that will allow the societal acceptance of ambiance computing in healthcare, medical imaging, health analytics, machine intelligence, sensory computing, medical data analytics, disease detection, telemedicine, and their applications. It includes diverse case studies dealing with various clinical-based applications. These intelligent models are primarily structured to deal with complex real-world issues in clinical data analytics, by means of state-of-the-art techniques with general implementation, domain-specific solutions, or hybrid methods which integrate computational intelligence with conventional statistical methods.
The book is written for researchers and academicians in diverse areas. Engineers from technical disciplines such as computer engineering are likely to purchase the book. Various sub-streams such as machine learning, big data analytics, healthcare analytics, and computational intelligence will find the book significant for their curriculum.