Home / Surgical Neuro-Oncology

Surgical Neuro-Oncology By Samer S. Hoz

Surgical Neuro-Oncology

By Samer S. Hoz

  • Release Date: 2024-04-16
  • Genre: Medical
  • $64.99


This book is the first review book that uses the multiple-choice question format in neurosurgical oncology which mirrors the format of the majority of shelf and board examinations.
The mission of the book is to help readers understand the content and maintain the knowledge, rather than merely finding answers for complicated questions. It provides more than 800 MCQs in a convenient format that is suitable for self-study. Answers and definitions appear immediately below the questions to facilitate information retention.

The chapters provide comprehensive coverage of the core concepts in neurosurgical oncology. They provide a step-by-step, thorough explanations of each disease from the definition, associated anatomy, pathology, clinical features, radiology to surgical decision-making, and surgical tricks, providing a comprehensive and concise overview.

This book is an adjunct to the existing texts and does not intend to be the primary source of information; it rather aims to help readers identify their relevant strengths and weaknesses in the area. The book is an important asset for residents across neurosurgical disciplines as it includes much of the neuro-oncology knowledge that neurosurgical residents need to prepare for their certification tests. It is also useful for those seeking ways to solidify their knowledge or maintain their current certification.