Home / Evaporation Technology in Food Processing
Evaporation Technology in Food Processing, Volume Nine in the Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry series, explains the processing operations and equipment necessary for recent invented non-thermal processing of different food products, including ozonation, plasma processing, pulsed electric fields, high pressure processing, irradiation and high frequency processing. These processes and unit operations are very important in terms of achieving favorable sensory properties and energy usage. Written by experts in the field of food engineering, this book targets Industrial Engineers working in the field of food processing and within food factories.
Divided in four sections, "Evaporation basics," "Different types of evaporators, "Application of evaporators in the food industry and "Design, control and efficiency of evaporators, all chapters emphasize basic texts relating to experimental, theoretical, computational, and/or applications of food engineering principles and the relevant processing equipment to evaporation unit operations.
- Thoroughly explores the processing operations and equipment necessary for the evaporation of different food products applying steam
- Brings new opportunities in food processing through innovative evaporation processes
- Covers the design, control and efficiency of evaporators