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Co-published with What do university leaders need to know and be able to do to internationalize their institutions?This volume provides senior professionals in international education, increasingly known as Senior International Officers (SIOs), with the foundational knowledge that informs leadership practices, together with suggested strategies for implementing and developing the wide range of functions, activities and skills associated with comprehensive internationalization that will ensure effective support for their institutions’ educational mission in today’s globalized and interdependent world.This book addresses strategic leadership issues in internationalization including strategic planning, shaping the curriculum, recruiting students, risk management, and developing partnerships. Throughout, the Association of International Education Administrators’ (AIEA) Standards of Professional Practice for SIOs and International Education Leaders (reproduced in the appendix) are integrated as a point of reference, providing a much needed guide for international education leaders.This resource is a vital starting point for anyone in a senior leadership role in higher education, as well as for anyone desiring to understand more about this key leadership position essential to higher education institutions in developing institutional global capacity and in educating global-ready graduates.