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Wild Mushrooms By Sanju Bala Dhull

Wild Mushrooms

By Sanju Bala Dhull

  • Release Date: 2022-08-10
  • Genre: Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
  • $82.99


Many wild varieties of mushrooms are consumed by people around the world, yet many species remain unexplored, their nutritional as well as pharmacological significance yet to be discovered for many of them. Wild Mushrooms: Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing informs readers about different unexplored wild mushrooms, their methods of cultivation, nutritional values, pharmaceutical values, and possible utilization for human wellbeing.

The book represents a comprehensive assessement of current knowledge about the edible mushrooms commercialization, especially as nutraceuticals and dietary supplement formulation, mineral supplementation and source of quality proteins in foods and diet. The health benefits of edible mushrooms, nature and chemistry of bioactive components and in-vitro and in-vivo bioactivity of edible mushrooms are also highlighted in different chapters. By bringing diverse areas such as oxidative stress and longevity, techniques of mushroom analysis, toxicology and extracellular enzymes of wild mushrooms, it lays the groundwork for striking expansion in our understanding of these important biochemicals and their role in health and disease prevention.

Key Features:
Explores major preservation and processing technologies for wild mushrooms and their effects on bioavailability and nutritional value of mushrooms Presents the classical taxonomy and genetic classification of mushrooms Discusses the different components present in mushrooms and their biological activities and the health attribute of mushrooms due to these bioactive components Reviews the applications of mushrooms in environmental pollution reduction Covers different cultivation strategies of edible and medicinal mushrooms
The book also explores the role of mushrooms in the degradation of harmful xenobiotic compounds as well as reduction of pesticides. It discusses the utilization of wild mushrooms in waste management and cultivation of wild mushroom using lignocellulosic biomass-based residue as a substrate. This book should be of interest to a large and varied audience of researchers in academia, industry, nutritionists, dietitian, food scientists, agriculturists and regulators.