Home / Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management (Personnel Management And Professional Perspectives)
Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management in four volumes delves into the latest approaches insinuated into the field of modern management" It highlights several managerial concepts comprehensively in order to make them crystal clear. Each volume differently deals with these techniques of modern managements. The major challenge confronting modern management thought and practice is that of a viable human resource development strategy to cope the increasing demand for super skilled personnel by rapidly growing business and commerce, trade and industry, corporate and multinational entities and government systems. The challenge to modern management thinkers, planners, professionals and academics is that of devising educational and training systems to meet effectively the requirement of human resource for a fairly long terms perspectives, to appropriately feed the corporate and business sectors With suitably trained personnel geared to the emergent economic and business order, These volumes also cover case studies at suitable places- Professional perspectives on recruitment training are outlined for corporate units and industrial segments- 'These volume provide structured reading and will be highly beneficial to students of managements, practicing managers, and as well as aspiring Professional.