Home / The Post-pandemic Landscape of Education and Beyond: Innovation and Transformation
With the purpose of exploring the critical possibilities offered by the global crisis of coronavirus pandemic, this volume presents the collected works of scholars, educators and practitioners worldwide, bringing to the readers a broad array of perspectives on how COVID-19 inspires us to rethink, redefine, and make sense of the theoretical and pedagogical approaches that can be applied in various educational contexts. Part One of the book provides an insightful exploration of the technology-mediated innovations used in English language learning and teaching. Part Two reflects on the online learning experiences of students, as well as the teachers’ strategies to cope with changes as the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed unprecedented disruptions in class. Part Three looks into a range of case studies regarding the digital divide, cross-border schooling, cyberbullying, and cross-disciplinary skill training in the post-pandemic workplace, highlighting the importance of creating a positive learning environment. Part Four draws on the observations and experiences of frontline teachers, to examine ways to optimize the digital learning experiences of students in and outside the classroom. This volume will be a useful reference for scholars in Education, Communication, Applied Linguistics, Social Work, and Positive Psychology.