Home / After Dinner Conversation - Best Of 2022
"Short Stories For Long Discussions…"
Delight in intriguing, thought-provoking conversations about ethics, philosophy, and social issues! After Dinner Conversation is a (501(c)(3) nonprofit that publishes a monthly short fiction literary magazine.
Each issue features both established writers and up-and-coming authors who contribute fascinating philosophical insights on controversial topics like marriage equality, assisted suicide, the meaning of death, animal rights and defining your "purpose." It's time to go deep in search of truth!
After Dinner Conversation - "Best Of 2022" is a collection of the best philosophy ethics short story fiction published in After Dinner Conversation's monthly magazine in 2022. Short stories span all genres; science-fiction, near-future, dystopia, spiritual, fantasy, urban fantasy, AI, historical fiction, contemporary women, political, horror, thriller, and children's stories. The important thing is that the story is compelling, and that it asks a specific ethical or moral question. Imagine the "trolley problem" in short story form.
Short stories by (in alphabetical order): Safiyyah Althaff, Veronica L. Asay, Tommy Blanchard, Brian Carey, David A. Cohen, Robert Collings, M. M. De Voe, Clare Diston, Garrett Elms, Jeffrey Feingold, Larry Kite, Michael Klein, Ville V. Kokko, Phillip Scott Mandel, Holly McGinnis, Megan Neary, Harrison V. Perry, Steven Ross, Margret A. Treiber, Jonathan Turner, Thomas J. Weiss, and Michael Zemel.