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Collaboration and teamwork are the keystones of organizational life.Managing a team requires specific competencies, the outcomes of a processof informed learning based on critical analysis not only of organizationalsuccesses, but failures as well. This book provides the tools,the methodology, and the guiding principles to support the people whowork in teams as members and as leaders. The main issues inherentto team management are addressed by following a problem-based approach,with the aim of facilitating the achievement of team objectives.The authors encourage readers to reflect on the daily challenges ofworking on a team, and show how to lay the foundations for buildinga synergetic team: correctly structuring the team, assigning responsibilities,resolving conflicts, and managing decisions and meetings tooptimize negotiation processes. The book also explores the advantagesand obstacles to running geographically dispersed teams. Completingeach chapter is an interview with an expert who offers answers to themyriad questions that team leaders have to ask themselves to be able tomanage their teams with intelligence and common sense.