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Encyclopaedia of Advanced Educational Psychology Volume-l and Volume-ll, deals with application of psychological principles in Education to enhance teaching learning process. lt helps the teachers/learners to understand the teaching pedagogy. This book serves as a Reference Book for Teachers Education courses like D.Ed., B.Ed., M.Ed., M A. in Education and also Ph D in Education for various universities throughout the country. lt is also helpful for various competitive examinations and NET/SLET Examinations. lt covers significant sections like - Education and Psychology, Schools of Psychology, Theories of Learning, Attention, Learning and lnformation Processing, Growth and Development, lndividual Difference, Motivation, lntelligence and Creativity, Personality and Adjustment, Memory, Emotional lntelligence, Aptitude, Attitude. The book covers new psychological aspects like, lnformation processing model and Emotional intelligence in depth.