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Right Seats Right People By Jonathan Reynolds

Right Seats Right People

By Jonathan Reynolds

  • Release Date: 2022-10-04
  • Genre: Industries & Professions
  • $8.99


Stop hiring with your gut. Start hiring with your head.

I believe that you will find this a valuable, nitty-gritty, nuts-and-bolts how-to guide that is also an exciting power-pack book. I am going to deal you some ideas that will be new to you and some ideas to make you think differently. I’m here to rattle your cage a little bit. As you delve into these pages, I suggest you refrain from dwelling on anything you decide you have been doing wrong. Instead, just relax and let yourself grasp and appreciate that there is a way of doing it better that isn’t complicated at all. Do it right and get the right people to fill those empty seats, employees who are current or potential A-players with measurable attributes and an understanding of how to succeed in the first 90 and 365 days. My aim is simple: to deliver what you need to put people in the right seats facing in the right direction, not in a static way but in a “you are free to move around the cabin” way.

When you finish this book, you will know how to win somebody over to your team and bring them on your journey for—as Jim Collins put it so perfectly in his book Good to Great —however long they stay on the bus. Do I trust our way? We trust it enough to be different by design: We are the only company of our type in the world to guarantee 100 percent performance of the people we recommend you hire. And we guarantee that not for a week or a month, but for 365 days. We know it works. Very few people are going to join your company and stay for twenty years, but they will choose to make you part of their journey, just as you choose them to be a part of your organization’s journey.