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Dumbbell Domination By Chris Wilson

Dumbbell Domination

By Chris Wilson

  • Release Date: 2022-07-18
  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • $4.99


You don’t need a full gym to make gains… you can do incredible things with just a pair of dumbbells and the right knowledge. That’s why a set of dumbbells is the best investment you can make to improve your physique. Even if you’re restricted to using dumbbells, it’s possible to build muscle as long as you’re following the right program.

Dumbbell Domination blends traditional lifts with combination exercises you’ve never attempted before, offering you strength and size gains while also improving strength endurance, balance and conditioning. In just 30 days, discover how to use the simplest of weights to improve how you look and feel.

This isn’t a program just for beginners. Serious lifters and experienced gym-goers can all benefit from going back to basics and using dumbbells to increase their strength and muscle.