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Ancient Chinese By David West

Ancient Chinese

By David West

  • Release Date: 2013-03-01
  • Genre: History for Young Adults
  • $2.99


This book introduces the reader to the fascinating world of the Ancient Chinese. It explores how the Chinese ruled their empire and built their great cities and roads. It also looks at how ordinary people lived their daily lives, from farming and what they ate, to Chinese arts, crafts, and trade.

Did you know...?
• The Chinese invented paper and printng.
• The Great Wall of China was 2,150 miles along.
• The last emperor of China was only three years old when he came to the throne.

This book is one of a series of eight books that explore Ancient Civilizations.

Titles in the series
Ancient Chinese
Ancient Egyptians
the Greeks
The Aztecs
The Incas
The Maya
The Romans
The Vikings