Home / Potty Training Guide For Your Toddlers: Moms And Dads Guide Step By Step Methods On Potty Training Boys And Girls

Potty Training Guide For Your Toddlers: Moms And Dads Guide Step By Step Methods On Potty Training Boys And Girls By Mark Anderson

Potty Training Guide For Your Toddlers: Moms And Dads Guide Step By Step Methods On Potty Training Boys And Girls

By Mark Anderson

  • Release Date: 2013-01-13
  • Genre: Parenting
  • $2.99


You have gone through childbirth , numerous doctors visits for immunization shots and other issues, many feedings and diaper changes, first words and first steps and now the real battle is at hand, potty training.

You wonder how your parent got you through it as you have a toddler who is just not interested in getting things done anywhere else but in the diaper.

The solution to all these challenges are provided in “Potty Training Guide For Your Toddlers: Moms And Dads Guide.” Sure there are quite a number of books on the market that deal with potty training but this one is one of the better options.

The information presented is in no way technical and is pretty easy to implement. Before you know it you will have an even more independent toddler that goes to the bathroom on his/her own and leaves the diaper behind.

The thing that many parents do not realize is that it takes time to potty train and that if rushed that child can rebel and refuse to even try. The rules are simple and the process is challenging but the book makes everything easier for all involved. This is necessary for every home that has toddlers.

About the Author: After having twins and getting to the stage of potty training Mark Anderson and his wife tried every trick in the book to get both their toddlers on track, at times there seemed to be progress but it went right back to zero in no time. As he was a stay at home dad at the time Mark put all of his efforts into doing some research and trying to find the best solutions posted by other parents as solutions to the challenges with potty training.

He found a few and after trying them on his own children he decided to compile all of the information and make it available for other parents that were facing that challenge as well.

He is no guru but his tips and tricks are well worth the read and he even shares some of his own hilarious experiences while he highlights certain points.

The thing that you have to bear in mind is that toddlers are pretty smart and at that stage in their growth they are testing their limits to see just how far they can get with certain things.

It is up to you as the parent to get them back on the right track without seeming overbearing.