Home / The Lazarus Life
I am Lazarus. And so are you.
The life of Lazarus is one of the most recognizable stories found in God's word. The chronicle of an ordinary man who found himself at the center of an astounding miracle. A divine process that fully revealed Christ's transforming power, through a resurrection that preceded His very own.
But what if the story of Lazarus holds powerful parallels for us today? What if his story of hope and heartbreak, expectancy and disappointment, death and life, is our story too? What if the transformation Lazarus experienced is available to you and me?
Stephen W. Smith presents a remarkable journey through the life of Lazarus. Smith offers eye-opening insights into the Christian life, as we encounter
• A lingering Jesus
• A life trapped in the tomb
• The smell of the grave clothes
• The need for others to help us
• And the Voice of Love that calls your name
Come explore the life and legacy of Lazarus. Discover a story all your own. And hear the voice of the One who loves you.