Home / I, Who Have Left You
In a cloth-covered box, the physical treasures of Susan Freemans life quietly stand as a monument to love.
The box contains letters she and her husband, Leslie, wrote to one another over a span of twenty-seven years. The first one, dated 1975, was written by Susan during her days working on a farm in North Dakota. The last one, dated April 12, 2002, was written by Leslie on the day he committed an act of self-deliverance to escape the final ravages of cancer.
But their story doesnt end with his physical death.
Six months after he passed away, Susan received a channeled message that began I, who have left you They have a spiritual connection that allows them to communicate between dimensions. Susans memoir shares their story, their letters, and messages from the other side.
Susan Freeman has written a memoir that speaks to the deepest longing in every heartto know that love cannot and never does die. The promise her husband, Leslie, made to her before his passing has come true. He promised he would never leave her. He has communicated to her from the outer realm through a clairaudient who could never know the details of their twenty-seven year odyssey. In long, lyrical letters over a nine-year period, Leslie revisits details of their exotic travels in Arabia, refers to gifts he gave her, and constantly reassures her of his presence and his love of her through lifetimes. There are only three things you need fear, he tells her. Not being able to love, closing yourself off, and holding on too tightly to the past. This book is a rare and inspiring gift of spirit.
Gail Carr Feldman PhD, author, Midlife Crash Course: The Journey From Crisis To Full Creative Power