Home / The Log of a Cowboy: Classic American Western Novel
"If ever there were such a thing as an all-time 'best' western, THE LOG OF A COWBOY is it." The New York Times “If all other books on trail-driving were destroyed, a reader could still get a just as authentic conception of trail men, trail work, range cattle, cow horses, and the cow country in general from The Log of a Cowboy.” -- J. Frank Dobie "Personal and often poignant...'The Log of a Cowboy' is indeed a classic." --Sybil Downing The Denver Post Andy Adams (1859-1935), cowboy and author wrote The Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail Days (1903). Other works are: A Texas Matchmaker (1904) and The Outlet (1905) followed. Cattle Brands (1906) is a collection of short stories. Reed Anthony, Cowman: An Autobiography (1907) was followed by Wells Brothers: The Young Cattle Kings (1911) and The Ranch on the Beaver: A Sequel to Wells Brothers (1927). Specifically aimed at the young boys among his readership it is the story of two orphans' rise to fortune and success in the cattle industry.
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