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Round About a Great Estate By Richard Jefferies

Round About a Great Estate

By Richard Jefferies

  • Release Date: 1887-01-01
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction for Young Adults
  • Free


This is a adventure book. There is an old story which in respect of a modern application may bear re-telling. Once upon a time in a lonely 'coombe-botto' of the Downs, where there was neither church, chapel, nor public building of any kind, there lived a cottage-girl who had never seen anything of civilisation. A friend, however, having gone out to service in a market-town some few miles distant, she one day walked in to see her, and was shown the wonders of the place, the railway, the post-office, the hotels, and so forth. In the evening the friend accompanied her a short way on the return journey, and as they went out of the town, they passed the church.