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Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 12 By Elbert Hubbard

Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 12

By Elbert Hubbard

  • Release Date: 1915-01-01
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
  • Free


When you come into any fresh company, observe their humours. Suit your own carriage thereto, by which insinuation you will make their converse more free and open. Let your discourse be more in querry and doubting than peremptory assertions or disputing, it being the design of travelers to learn, not to teach. Besides, it will persuade your acquaintance that you have the greater esteem of them, and soe make them more ready to communicate what they know to you; whereas nothing sooner occasions disrespect and quarrels than pre-emptorinesse. You will find little or no advantage in seeming wiser, or much more ignorant than your company. Seldom discommend anything though never so bad, or doe it but moderately, lest you bee unexpectedly forced to an un-hansom retraction. It is safer to commend any thing more than is due, than to dis-commend a thing soe much as it deserves; for commendations meet not soe often with oppositions, or, at least, are not usually soe ill resented by men that think otherwise, as dis-commendations; and you will insinuate into men's favour by nothing sooner than seeming to approve and commend what they like; but beware of doing it by a comparison.