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June 5, 1683. _(Flatman's Commendatory Verses prefixed to "Thealma and Clearchus;" Poems and Songs by Thomas Flatman, Third Edition. )_
[2] _The Love of Amos and Laura. Written by S. P. London. Printed for Richard Hawkins, dwelling in Chancery-Lane, neere Serieants Inne, 1619. _ Printed at the end of a volume entitled, _Alcilia, Philoparthens louing Folly, &c. _, which, from its being signed at the end with the initials "J. C. ", has been attributed to Walton's friend, John Chalkhill, whose posthumous poem, _Thealma and Clearchus_, he published in the last year of his life. The lines to Walton do not appear in the earlier quarto edition of the book issued by the same publisher in 1613, or in the later quarto of 1628.
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