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Fathers and Sons By Frank J. Morlock

Fathers and Sons

By Frank J. Morlock

  • Release Date: 2012-02-09
  • Genre: Theater
  • $4.99


Based on Ivan Turgenev's novel of the same name, Frank J. Morlock's new play clearly dramatizes the societal divisions in mid-nineteenth-century Russia, deftly contrasting the defenders of the old regime with the younger generation of no-nonsense nihilists who will eventually succeed them. Nicolai and Pavel represent the older values (Nicolai softly, Pavel somewhat rigidly), while the two youths, Arkady (softly) and Bazarov (gruffly), make the case for change. In the end, Pavel and Bazarov fight an inconclusive duel--but the heightened animosity between generations yet remains, forecasting the civil war that will eventually overwhelm Russia fifty years later. The parallels between that time and today are striking. An absolutely riveting drama.