Home / Victorious Episodes Seasons 1 - 2
The series follows Tori Vega, a teenager who is accepted into Hollywood Arts High School, a school for talented teens in various performing-arts fields, after taking her older sister Trina's place in a showcase. The plot follows Tori as she finds her place within Hollywood Arts, while getting into crazy situations and adventures, and meeting friends to help her along the way. Other students at Hollywood Arts, and the students who make up Tori's group of friends, include Andre Harris, a musical prodigy who becomes Tori's best friend at Hollywood Arts after encouraging her to stay at the school and helping her realize her talent, Robbie Shapiro, a socially-awkward ventriloquist who carries around his puppet Rex Powers whom is seen by Robbie (and generally everyone else) as a living person, Jade West, a sarcastic "mean girl" who has a love-hate relationship with Tori, Cat Valentine, a sweet and innocent but naive and somewhat dim-witted girl who is supposedly bipolar due to her constant mood swings, and Beck Oliver, a laid-back and handsome guy who is Jade's boyfriend.