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Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services By Aiko Pras

Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services

By Aiko Pras

  • Release Date: 2007-08-18
  • Genre: Network
  • $69.99


The main goal of the EUNICE Summer School is to give young researchers,and particularly PhD students, the opportunity to present their work at an inter- tional level. The EUNICE Summer School also seeks to o?er comprehensive and inspiring invited talks from experienced experts in the ?eld, providing a context for discussions on ongoing research and new challenges. The EUNICE Summer School is an initiative of the European University Network of Information and Communication Engineering, or EUNICE Network for short. Although the summer school events are organized by the member institutions taking turns, submission to and participation in the events are open to researchers outside the EUNICE Network. The 13th EUNICE Summer School returned to Enschede, The Netherlands, whereitwashostedearlierin2000.Backin2000,thethemeofthesummerschool was ‘Innovative Internet Applications.’ Much has changed since then: wireless network technologies have become a constantly growing part of the Internet infrastructure, and increasingly smaller and more powerful computing devices with ?exible connectivity open the possibility of new services and applications.